About Us

10 Things About Brandon!
1.  I love sports.  I am a big fan of BYU college football.  I grew up going to all of the home games and even traveled to road games with my friends. 

2.  I enjoy geocaching.  It's a relatively newer hobby of ours.  But I like that we can do it together as a family.  Over the summer we hid our first cache and named it in honor of our daughter, Lilly.  It's fun going and seeing places we'd never have gone to before.
3. I was born and raised in Murray, Utah.

4. I have three generations of firefighters in my family.  My great grandfather was the first Fire Chief for Salt Lake County.  I spent about two years as a volunteer firefighter in Washington. 

5. My favorite place to go on vacation is Disneyland!  After all it is the happiest place. We even went there for our honeymoon and hope to soon go again and have great memories with our kids. 

6. My wife is the luckiest woman because I like to clean.  Dishes, laundry, dusting, whatever it is I will do it with a happy heart.  I figure since Hannah does most the cooking I can do most of the cleaning.

7. I love spending time with my family.  We try to make at least one day a week a special day where we do something together.  It could be cooking, playing games, or just going to the park. There is no greater joy in life than having a loving and caring family.

8. I like to laugh a lot.  I try to enjoy life and the simple things. You cannot worry about the things that you have no control over.

9.  I served my mission in Nashville, Tennessee.  It is during these two years that I gained a great love for my Savior and for the people that I served. Not to mention the amazing southern food.

10. The greatest feeling I have ever had was holding my daughter for the first time.  When our Birthmom handed her to me I instantly fell in love with her and knew from that moment on I would do whatever I could to make her happy.

10 Things About Hannah!

1.  I love my family.  There isn't anything I would rather do than be spending time with my family.  This includes my siblings and parents as well!  We don't get to see each other as much as we'd like because we live all over the Country, but when we do get together - we create memories that keep me smiling for years!

2.  I went back to school recently to get my Bachelor's in Web/Graphic Design.  I love designing and creating something.  I especially enjoy bringing other peoples "vision" to life.  It's just a lot of fun!  I also like to dabble in photography.  I enjoy taking pictures for people that wouldn't otherwise be able to afford it.  I think everyone should have beautiful pictures of their children and families, regardless if they can afford it or not.
3.  I used to play the flute, tuba, and piano.  Now I just mess around on the piano when I get a chance.  Someday we'll own a piano again and I would love for our children to be able to take lessons and enjoy music as much as I do.

4.  I am a stay at home mom.  It took us a couple years for me to be able to quit work, but it was the best decision we ever made!  I love the time I get to spend with my daughter and I love that I get to see her changing every second of every day.
5.  Crafting:  Do I love it?  Yes!  I love to do it, but I am for certain an amateur.  Anything with mod podge and paint, then I can do it.  Sewing:  I love it too!  I occasionally get a little frustrated when it takes too long, but I enjoy seeing a creation take shape.

6.  I was born and raised in Northern California - in the heart of the Redwood Forest.  Growing up I never knew that it was unique to live where I did.  But I now realize that it is the most beautiful place on earth and if I could, we would move back there in a heartbeat!
7. I would love to live somewhere that is cold, rainy, and snows all winter.  I love those types of days and I get super excited and hyper when the weather turns dreary.  It's just fun to have an excuse too to curl up and watch a good movie or read a book.

8.  I always see the good in people before I see the bad.  I love people right away.  I love seeing people succeed and I get just as excited as they do about their successes.
9.  I love to sing. I can usually be caught singing and dancing at the top of my lungs in the car.  One of my greatest moments is when Lilly started doing the same thing.  She will sing and dance in the backseat while I am doing the same in the front.  I also enjoy the occasional moment when someone catches us and Brandon is driving and the embarrassment on his face...it's priceless!

10. The best decision I ever made was adopting our daughter.  She has brought joy and peace to our lives.  She has brought with her more family and people to love.  We love her birthparents and their families and are grateful for how blessed we've been to get to know them.

10 Things About Lilly!
1.  First and above all, what needs to be known about me is that I love princesses!  All things princess.  If there is a Disney princess, you can bet I love it.

2.  Not only do I love princesses, but playing dress-up is definitely a second favorite.  I can be a princess (obviously), a ballerina, a monster, and a cheerleader all within 3 minutes.
3.  I enjoy the occasional tantrum as well.  It's recreational and a very good method of exercise.
4.  I can count to sixteen.  

5.  I know my ABC's...don't like to brag, but I do.
6.  I love the water!!!  I love baths and getting half the water on the ground outside the tub!  But swimming is my mostest favorite.  My parents say I have to wear a life jacket, but I guess that's for the best - that way I can jump in the deep end without having wait for them to swim down there!  Water = best!

7.  Playing with my friend is another favorite activity.  We laugh and scream for hours.
8.  I love to jump!  I'll jump on my bed, my parents bed, off of chairs, off the couch, and just about anything else before I get in trouble.  When my friends come over, I usually take them straight to my parents room to jump on their bed!

9.  I love to sing - can't believe I didn't mention it sooner.  I sing anything from church songs to the popular stuff on the radio.  And of course...all Disney songs too.  I love to be sung to at night when my Mommy tucks me into bed.  I can usually convince her to stay longer if I play with her hair and she'll sing to me for a long time!
10.  Did I mention I love princesses?  And dressing up???  :)

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